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[QFW]⇒ [PDF] Gratis Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks Diane Rinella 9780615984049 Books

Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks Diane Rinella 9780615984049 Books

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Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks Diane Rinella 9780615984049 Books

Diane has done it again. What an amazing story. In Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks, you meet Peter a 60's up and coming rock star, and his wife and makeup artist Jane. When Peter realized he and his band are not getting the money they earned , he looks into it. Only to end up killed. Present day We meet Rosalyn a woman who loves the 60's. When she finds a record from the late Peter she buys it. Only she finds herself face to ghost with Peter. (yes Peter is a ghost who is out for revenge on the person how killed him). So will Rosalyn help Peter? Will they find the one who had killed Peter? Will Peter find his Jane? Then there is Niles just as corky as Rox. When they meet they seem to have a lot in common. But Niles holds back. So why did I give this book 5 stars? It's beautifully written and the characters in this story are amazing. It's not just your boy meets girl and fall head over hills in love. Or the bad boy rocker book that seems to be the thing. To find out what happens read this wonderful book.

Read Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks Diane Rinella 9780615984049 Books

Tags : Scary Modsters... and Creepy Freaks [Diane Rinella] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Rock and Roll Fantasy gang goes mod in this Visionary Fantasy Romance from USA Today Bestselling Author Diane Rinella. <br /><br /> "A fantastical romance involving a woman,Diane Rinella,Scary Modsters... and Creepy Freaks,Midnight to Six Publishing,0615984045,Adult & contemporary romance,FICTION Romance Contemporary,Fiction - Romance,Fiction : Visionary & Metaphysical,FictionVisionary & Metaphysical,Romance - Contemporary,FICTION Visionary & Metaphysical

Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks Diane Rinella 9780615984049 Books Reviews

Love it Love it Love it. Diane is a wonderful writer. Can't put them down because they reach my former hippie soul.
Diane Rinella's novel is not your typical romance novel, but I fell in love with the story as she took me right back to the 60s--flower power and the Beatles and the amazing music! Wow! Plus, a ghost story! Not a scary ghost story, but a fascinating account of a man who's trying to right a 50-year-old wrong and the woman determined to help him. Her characters are real, the story intelligent and captivating, and heartwarming. I was in from page 1 and can't wait to read other books by this fun and gifted author.
Honesty About Books gives Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks ***** 5 stars
Scary Modsters wasn't a book I would usually read but I loved it! This story of love and loss will stay with me for a long time. I really want more not because it didn't provide closure but because I just finished the book and I miss the quirky personalities of the characters already! I consider myself a book snob, I haven't been able to get into anything lately, there haven't been any books that stand out and gain my interest with the exception of this one.

Peter a rock and roll star with deep love that lasts longer than most could ever pray to experience for even an hour. Tragically his life is snubbed out at the peak of his career and love life. Love beats all odds if you can feel them which brings me to Niles who's a perfect fit for Roslyn but are the feelings mutual? Will Roslyn find the security and love she so needs and deserves in Niles the handsome, successful business man in who appears to be a perfect fit.

Rosalyn's so adorable and I think most people meet a Rosalyn who walks to the beat of their own music. Well done Diane Rinella, Scary Modsters is different from most books I've read. It's original, quirky and written beautifully and she always delivers a great message!
Scary Modsters is such a unique and enjoyable read--what a concept! When Rosalyn meets Niles, they find they share an uncommon love for and knowledge of 1960's music and fashion. They know the same obscure songs and recording artists, and as they connect on a deeper level, they each feel they have finally, finally met someone who could be the person to help them overcome their self-perceived inadequacies. Enter the ghost of dead 60's rocker Peter Lane, who compels each of them to see who they really are and how--despite mounting difficulties--they belong together for eternity. This is not a woo-woo-ooh-ghost story, it is a poignant and intelligent and emotional story that makes us believe in all kinds of possibilities. Diane Rinella is an exceptionally talented writer with an impressive knowledge of and obvious love for music. I see she has a new book out, as well as two others, and I will be buying and reading all of them.
I am old enough to remember two important things about this book First, the music of the 1960's, which Diane Rinella references/incorporates into this story like a master chef uses spices to make her work unforgettable; and Second, but for the amazing opportunities that and other e books give writers (and readers!), gifted writers like Ms Rinella would be at the whim of a publishing house, and her fans would miss her wit and charm.....and excellent writing skills. This book is a mystery, a romance, a ghost story, and a lot of fun. Read the first line, and you know you are in for some great writing "May 13, 1966 was a day that most wouldn't give a turnip over.", spoken by Peter Lane, the former lead singer and writer for a still famous band, even though Peter has been dead from a very suspicious car crash some 40 years or more. Another line I love, is directed to Rox, the star of this Mod Opera, by her best friend, the very sexy Jacqueline, who takes a jab at our heroine's taste in fashion" "And it's in your favorite color....deceased." This is a great read, funny, warm, and exciting. I consider myself a tough reviewer, but something about this book caught my eye (well, the pink cover is cool), and it's the best $2.99 I've spent in awhile. Good reading. Steve Jennette, Grand Rapids, MI
This novel with the GREAT cover is such a fun, imaginative ride! Rosalyn is a quirky, beautiful woman who loves 60s music and fashion and has a secret that prevents her from loving as deeply as she wishes. She meets Niles who also has that 60s vibe, as well as his own problem, and they are perfect for one another. Aren't they? A dead, former 60s rock star named Peter Lane enters the picture as a ghost, and I became even more wrapped up in the story - Diane Rinella made reading about a character who is a ghost seem perfectly natural.

There's his girlfriend Jane, a former Love Machine manager who tosses in the evil, Rosalyn's best friend Jacqueline, and other wonderful characters. You really want Rosalyn and Niles to make it together, in spite of the obstacles. Can they secure each others' hearts?

Ms. Rinella is a tremendously creative writer who shows a wealth of knowledge about music and fashion herself. It's amazing. This book is flat-out brilliant, a 5-star, groovy page-turner.
Diane has done it again. What an amazing story. In Scary Modsters and Creepy Freaks, you meet Peter a 60's up and coming rock star, and his wife and makeup artist Jane. When Peter realized he and his band are not getting the money they earned , he looks into it. Only to end up killed. Present day We meet Rosalyn a woman who loves the 60's. When she finds a record from the late Peter she buys it. Only she finds herself face to ghost with Peter. (yes Peter is a ghost who is out for revenge on the person how killed him). So will Rosalyn help Peter? Will they find the one who had killed Peter? Will Peter find his Jane? Then there is Niles just as corky as Rox. When they meet they seem to have a lot in common. But Niles holds back. So why did I give this book 5 stars? It's beautifully written and the characters in this story are amazing. It's not just your boy meets girl and fall head over hills in love. Or the bad boy rocker book that seems to be the thing. To find out what happens read this wonderful book.
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